World News

Three Fatalities in Boston Marathon Bombing Incident

Three Fatalities in Boston Marathon Bombing Incident
Bernadine Racoma

Two bombs reportedly went off at Copley Square on Monday morning where the finish line of the Boston Marathon was located. The latest report said that three people are dead, including an 8-year old boy and more than a hundred people are being treated for different injuries sustained during the blasts. About 10 of the victims will need amputation, according to Boston hospital officials. Bomb experts are saying that the bombs were designed to impel shrapnel as doctors pull out metal debris such as ball bearings from victims of the blasts.

President Obama promised that the responsible group or individuals will bear the full brunt of the law for these despicable acts of violence. He added that Boston is a resilient and tough city and that Americans will be with the Bostonians throughout this ordeal.

Large Explosion

The bombings are believed to have been done by “terrorists.” The two bombs were estimated to be about 90 yards apart, and their explosion immediately caused great injury to many runners and spectators. The huge chaos that resulted added to the general confusion. The blasts were huge, shaking buildings and shattering windows, sending people to seek shelter wherever they can.
Authorities were unsure whether the bombs are foreign or domestic. A law enforcement official told reporters that the bombs were homemade devices. It lacked C-4 and other high quality explosive material.

Other Explosive Devices Located

The Boston officials found another bomb that they are trying to dismantle, Ed Davis Boston Police Commissioner said. Another unexploded one was located at a hotel in Boylston Street and still another was found at another location which was not revealed.
The Presidential Library of John F. Kennedy bombing was earlier believed to be connected to the Boston Marathon bombing. The police later noted that the incident is not related and was only caused by a fire.

It is still unclear who were responsible for the bombs because there were no believable threats before the marathon. Davis said that there are no particular suspects but a lot of bystanders are being questioned.

Flight restriction has been issued in the areas where the bomb exploded. There were a lot of suspicious packages that were left by panicking people. All items were being investigated.

The Marriott and Lenox Hotel were evacuated as a safety measure according to Boston Globe.


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