World News

ASEAN Celebrates 46th Founding Anniversary

ASEAN Celebrates 46th Founding Anniversary
Bernadine Racoma

Established on August 8, 1967, the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) is celebrating today its 46th year anniversary. Member nations are busy organizing events and celebrations to commemorate the momentous occasion. Initially established with the joint efforts of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand, the ASEAN now has a total of 10 member nations, including Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam.

Multiple celebrations

The celebration of the ASEAN anniversary is extra special since it falls on the same day as the Eid al-Fitr or the end of the holy month of Ramadan which is being celebrated by followers of Islam all over the world. Muslim nations that are also ASEAN members have planned activities and festivities to commemorate both occasions that would last for many days. In Indonesia, the government has arranged for a week-long celebration to accommodate those who are still traveling to get home and be with their loved ones to celebrate.


In a statement given by the Secretary-General of ASEAN, Le Luong Minh, he gave emphasis to the essence of the ASEAN, which is to allow its members to build a future as a solid community. ASEAN nations are currently working for the fulfillment of the 2015 ASEAN Economic Community for regional economic integration. The Secretary-General stated that ASEAN Day is a reminder that this goal is not just a dream since everything is slowly coming into reality.

Continued growth

The ASEAN was created and established by the founding nations with the aim of promoting socio-political progress, economic stability and peace among nations, as well as cultural growth and opportunities that would ensure the future of its member nations. As of today, a total of 600 million people are under the ASEAN or almost 9% of the total population in the entire planet.

In the mood to celebrate

The 46th year anniversary of the ASEAN has long been expected. The first to kick off the commemoration of the anniversary is Malaysia. Activities, tournaments, seminars and forums were organized as early as May for the commemoration. The country has a very important role in the realization of the ASEAN Economic Community in 2015 since it is assigned to oversee the last leg of the preparations.

On a different note, Brunei focused on planning and implementing programs especially designed for the welfare of its youth. With a theme called “Our People, Our Future Together,” Brunei decided to ponder more on the role of the members of the ASEAN community not only in the present but the future as well.

In Thailand, the exhibitions, a drawing competition, and a quiz were held to commemorate the 46th anniversary. Thailand also held a seminar that would focus on the importance of having a true ASEAN community.

The President and Vice-President of Myanmar delivered messages of congratulations to the ASEAN on its special day. Celebrations included the recognition of winners of various contests and competitions. Prizes were presented by Myanmar’s Education Minister.

The Philippines held a painting contest the day before the anniversary as well as formal gatherings to mark the ASEAN milestone. All over the country, various schools held activities in order to celebrate ASEAN’s 46th anniversary.

United States Secretary of State John Kerry released a statement expressing the support of President Barack Obama and the rest of America and assured the ASEAN that the US “stands with you as a steadfast partner.”

Photo Credit: ASEAN Flags

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